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Untrending: Learn about the joy of missing out

What truly matters can’t be found on screens

I first met Christina Crook five years ago. I received a review copy of her book The Joy of Missing Out, Finding Balance in a Wired World.

I read it cover-to-cover in practically one sitting. Upon closing the book, I thought to myself, “That is the book I wish I had written.”

At the time, I was working on an early draft of my tiny book, Untrending, A Field Guide to Social Media That Matters, How to Post, Tweet, and Like Your Way to a More Meaningful Life.

In Crook’s work, I had found a kindred spirit. Her book resonated deeply with me, and serendipitously, a mutual friend connected Crook and I via Facebook. Despite its someone ironic origin, our connection proved mutually beneficial and nourishing. Crook gave a first read to my manuscript, and generously blurbed the book. We shared the stage at the 2016 Canadian Internet Marketing Conference and co-hosted a JOMO retreat on the Sunshine Coast.

JOMO is an acronym for the Joy of Missing Out and describes the pleasure of taking a break from social activity – especially social media – to enjoy personal time and deepen our relationship with self and others.

Crook has become a leading advocate for the JOMO movement. Her work offers an antidote to the flatness, negativity, and one-dimensionality of online and digital engagement. She has this to say, “I don’t know about you, but every time I pick up the phone or open up Twitter, it seems like the world is going the wrong way. But when I put down my phone to play with my kids, go for a walk in the neighbourhood or spend time with friends, I’m reminded of how wonderful and mysterious life really is.”

Her mission is to fuel a worldwide movement to help people overcome digital overwhelm by reconnecting to the tangible joys of life.

It is easy to find ourselves lost online, compulsively checking our social media newsfeeds, comparing ourselves to others, worrying about politics or climate change, and experiencing stress and overwhelm. The solution is to press the pause button and go offline. Reconnect with what brings you joy – the people, places, and activities that nourish and sustain you. What truly matters cannot be found on screens and devices. It is revealed in our human-to-human connection to each other.

Vicki McLeod is an author, TEDx speaker, and award-winning entrepreneur. She is a business and personal coach and consultant. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or find her at: