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DEAR SANTA: Maple Ridge kids send messages to the Jolly Ol’ Elf

Enjoy a selection of letters from local children published online throughout the day Dec. 24

Dear Santa

My elf names Das is the Best elf I ever had. Cuz he is a great spots to hide from us. Even he gets us some PJ’s and books. I loved my gift last year it was lego, games, toys and lots of stuff. I love a terip to usa for Christmas.

From Elliot

Grade 4


Dear Santa

my elf is making my mom lil mad because she roate good morning on the mear with shaving cream. I am also exsited for my aunty and my sister to sleep over I cant wate I woald like a dvd Playr this is the best yere ever Thanke you I gota go by See you next yere

Love Izzy

Grade 3


Dear Santa,

My namE Is: Thomas.

I AM 91/2 Years old.

I have been a good boy This Year. I played lots of Soccer and baseball. For Christmas I woulld like a puppy, IPad and PokeMoncards. Say. Hi to Mrs ClausBy for now.


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