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DEAR SANTA: Maple Ridge students grateful for Santa’s past gifts

Enjoy a selection of letters from local children published online throughout the day Dec. 24

Dear SanTa

thank you For my New lago set i Love it so mch. i will Love For Christmas AxBox gift crad i Left out ice crem and Hot cokii Far you From Zion


Dear Santa from: Isaac

I LOVED THE fit I got last yeor! I did’t stop ploying with IT WAS MY fovourite toy! IT was soooo cool! This year I want a MASSIVE Lego set and minecraft for my computer.


Dear Santa,

I hope everyone is kind to nature an all living things. I’m very greatful for the present you gave me last year. I also wish that no one littered anytying or anywhere. I wish that covid will go away soon. I hope your reindeer are helthy and ready for Cristmas! Oh! one last thing I wish that nothing bad will happen to the work and we lived in peace forever.

from Ellie

Grade 3


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