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OUTLOOK FROM THE MAYOR: Maple Ridge is a city on the move

Maple Ridge Mayor Dan Ruimy said the city is one of Metro Vancouver’s fastest-growing communities

Maple Ridge is a City on the Move as one of Metro Vancouver’s fastest-growing communities, with a population of more than 106,000 projected to reach 150,000 in 15 years. Mayor and council are creating the conditions for a strong, diversified, and sustainable economy. 

Last year was filled with many achievements such as hosting the 2024 BC Summer Games and celebrating Maple Ridge’s 150th anniversary with Our Neck of the Woods. In the coming year we plan to build on this momentum. 

As we move into 2025, building a thriving and diversified economy remains a top priority. 

Through partnerships with the chamber of commerce and the Downtown Business Improvement Association, we’re creating a favourable business environment. This includes our Be Downtown initiative, which improves safety and beautification in the city’s core. 

Our recent citizen survey highlighted the community’s desire for more shops and services, which we are responding to through implementing our retail market analysis to attract national and independent retailers and developers that align with community demand. 

The city is evaluating 1,000 acres of potential new employment lands – including Maple Meadows Business Park, Yennadon Lands, Albion Industrial, 256th Lands, and foreshore areas in eastern Maple Ridge—creating new jobs and tax base. 

We are also streamlining building permitting and approval processes to better support the growing business and housing needs of our community. 

Key economic priorities for 2025 include: 

• Attracting industries like retail, technology, film, manufacturing, and agriculture to diversify the tax base and create jobs. 

• Implementing our major events, development, and attraction plan. 

• Promoting and developing tourism experiences and events. 

• Supporting film industry growth. 

• Streamlining city processes, making it easier and faster to do business in Maple Ridge.


Investing in infrastructure & transportation 

Maple Ridge’s five-year $340-million capital plan highlights infrastructure as a driver of economic vitality. 

The Abernethy Way four-lane extension to 232 Street will be completed in 2025, with planning underway for further expansion to 240 Street and a new bridge over the Alouette River and connection to new industrial lands. 

The planned Golden Ears Way expansion and the Langley-Haney Place Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line will foster transit-oriented development, affordability, diverse businesses, housing, and green spaces.


A business ready city 

The city is shaping policies and undertaking initiatives that will grow the community, help businesses to flourish, and enhance the quality of life for residents. 

We are modernizing city services with streamlined permitting processes, launching a certified professional program, a development concierge, and fully digital application systems, ensuring Maple Ridge is “Business Ready.” 

Your mayor and council remain dedicated to building a bold future where residents, businesses, and investors thrive – together, shaping the city for generations to come. 

– Dan Ruimy 

Mayor for the City of Maple Ridge