A family Christmas outing to see The Polar Express almost turned into a disaster after they confused the show time.
Amanda Sinclair-Godfrey went to the Hollywood 3 Cinemas with her family and friends on Dec. 27. Sinclair-Godfrey had put the movie into her calendar for 10 p.m..
"Which I thought was late, but figured because of the Christmas holidays they were playing late," she said.
So, they got to the cinema early, at 9:30 p.m., and waited behind some other people in line.
But, when they got to the front, they were told the movie played at 10 a.m. that day.
The group of them then huddled outside the theatre to figure out what they were going to do – and what came next shocked Sinclair-Godfrey.
She heard the girl in the booth tell a coworker what had happened. The man disappeared for a minute, and when he came back he told the group that they could play the movie for them in Cinema 2 – opening it just so they could see the movie.
"We were absolutely shocked. We filled up on snacks and we had the whole cinema to ourselves. It was awesome," said Sinclair-Godfrey.
"They even stayed late to accommodate us."
Sinclair-Godfrey gave a shout-out to the cinema online.
"They totally saved the night," wrote Sinclair-Godfrey online, thanking the Hollywood 3 Cinema for their great service.