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SHARE: Work on old landfill underway

Send us your photo showing how you view Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows, and it could be featured soon
Maple Ridge staffer Paul de Boer shared a picture taken last week at the old Cottonwood landfill. The excavation equipment is a sure sign work is underway to stablize the site as part of the municipality's 30-year, $18-million closure plan. The dump was closed in 1989.

READ MORE: Maple Ridge needs $6 million for Cottonwood landfill site

Let’s see the community Through Your Lens.

We want to see Pitt Meadows & Maple Ridge as you see it.

Send us a photo showing how you view the community, and it could be featured in a future edition of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News.

Please include the photographer’s full name and tell us where the photo was taken, and why.

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Do you have a picture you’d like to contribute?

We’d love to see it. Please email to

We look forward to hearing from you.


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