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Child-killer's 'deceit, manipulation' cited in day-parole denial

Sexual attraction to kids 'central risk issue for reoffending' for man who dumped Heather Thomas' body in Alouette Lake in 2000
Shane Ertmoed (right) is serving a life sentence for killing 10-year-old Heather Thomas on Oct. 1, 2000. (File photos)

WARNING: The following story contains details that some readers may find upsetting.

Surrey child-killer Shane Ertmoed has a "deviant pattern" of arousal to young females, identifies emotionally with children and poses a risk of "serious harm" to any non-compliant victim, should he reoffend sexually in the future.

These factors, according to a written Parole Board of Canada decision, were among reasons the 47-year-old was denied day parole, following a hearing Jan. 8 on Vancouver Island.

Ertmoed is serving a life sentence for the October 2000 killing of 10-year-old Heather Thomas. The youngster was playing outside of her father’s townhouse complex in Cloverdale when Ertmoed lured her inside his apartment, ultimately killing her.

Her body was found in Alouette Lake approximately three weeks later. 

In the PBC decision – shared with Black Press Media on Jan. 24 – officials agree that while Ertmoed is "moving in a direction that increases your potential for reintegration," his release at this time "will not contribute to the protection of society."

"The central concern for the Board coming out of this hearing is what appears to be a continuing unwillingness or inability on your part to acknowledge and honestly and accurately describe the true nature of your deviant pattern of sexual arousal, the central risk issue in your life," the board concludes.

"Instead of freely admitting that you had developed a fantasy life involving prepubescent females and used these fantasies in masturbation activities that relieved stress for you and helped you cope with your other life struggles, you used terms and phrases to obfuscate this important fact."

Doing so, the decision continues, represents a weakness in Ertmoed's self-management skill set.

"Any failure on your part today, particularly after all the programming you have completed, to recognize that your sexual attraction to children is the central risk issue for reoffending, is unacceptable from a public safety perspective."

The decision cites a June 2024 psychological risk assessment that found Ertmoed at "average" risk of reoffending sexually in the future, as well as several assessments noting concern with "the high levels of deception, manipulation and deceit that characterized your offending behaviour."

Cited efforts to change include that Ertmoed seemed "to understand the harm that you caused to the victim and her family members."

Heather's mom, Jody Aspin, told PAN after the hearing that words Ertmoed spoke that day left her feeling "very slapped in the face." He apologized, she said, but directed it first to the board and then to "the people behind me" – an apparent reference to Heather's family and other loved ones in attendance.

Ertmoed has been incarcerated at a minimum-security facility for approximately five years now, and working as an institutional plumber since October 2019. In 2021, he was granted escorted temporary absences, and completed approximately 100 of those "without concern," the decision states.

Following approval of that 2021 application, Aspin told Peace Arch News that Ertmoed had shown "not an ounce" of remorse during the virtual hearing.

The day-parole written decision notes Ertmoed planned to seek employment as a plumber's apprentice if released.

His accountability, motivation and reintegration were all rated 'high' in a June 2024 update to his correctional plan, it continues. 

The decision notes Ertmoed's case management team did not support his release on day parole, due in part to the lack of a "viable" release plan. They recommended instead that he transfer to a different facility and build up community supports for an eventual release. 

The board also considered a December 2024 letter from Ertmoed in making its decision, noting he detailed "the story" of his offence without commenting on previous incidents of inappropriate sexual behaviour or acknowledging fantasies involving prepubescent children.

Other points Ertmoed made in his letter included an acknowledgement of the harm he caused when he recanted his confession; a desire to take a slow approach to reintegration; that research into using arousal-reducing medication indicated it would not be helpful to him; and that he has the support of family.

The board encouraged Ertmoed to continue working on his issues through counselling and other relevant correctional programs.

He is eligible for full parole in November 2025.


Tracy Holmes

About the Author: Tracy Holmes

Tracy Holmes has been a reporter with Peace Arch News since 1997.
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