NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the intention of the City of Maple Ridge pursuant to sections 40 and 94 of the Community Charter SBC 2003, c.26, as amended, to consider first, second and third readings, of Maple Ridge Road Closure Bylaw No. 8002-2024 at the Regular Council meeting to be held on the 24th day of September, 2024.
Maple Ridge Road Closure Bylaw No. 8002-2024 proposes to close to traffic and remove the highway dedication of a 555.2 m2 portion of the east-west orientated lane located between the 22200 Block of Selkirk Avenue and Lougheed Highway, shown outlined in heavy black line on Reference Plan EPP138392 reproduced below, to consolidate with the adjacent land to accommodate the development of two residential/commercial mixed use buildings under Development Applications 2019-138-RZ/DP.

Should you have any concerns or comments you wish to convey to Council, please submit them in writing to the attention of the Corporate Officer, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 or email:, not later than 12:00 noon on September 24, 2024. There will also be opportunity for persons wishing to do so, to make representations to Council at the September 24, 2024, Regular Council meeting. Please note that this is not a Public Hearing item.
Copies of the Bylaw and related documents may be viewed in person at the City Hall Planning counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., commencing September 13, 2024. Any inquiries relating to property issues should be referred to the Planning Department (604) 467-7341, Monday through Friday (except statutory holidays) between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00pm.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the intention of the City of Maple Ridge pursuant to sections 26 and 94 of the Community Charter, SBC 2003, c. 26, as amended, to dispose by fee simple to 1165456 B.C. LTD., a 555.2 m2 portion of the east-west-orientated lane located between the 22200 Block of Selkirk Avenue and Lougheed Highway, shown outlined in heavy black line on Reference Plan EPP138392 reproduced above, and legally described as “A PART OF THE LANE DEDICATED ON PLAN 6808 DISTRICT LOT 398 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT” for the sum of $1,314,720.
Dated this 13th day of Sept 2024
Carolyn Mushata
Corporate Officer