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LETTER: Battery factory meltdown could help fund rail underpass

Ottawa and Victoria were going to give battery firm millions. Why not use that for Harris Road project?
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Dear Editor,

Money for rail overpass?

I have an idea. Some time ago, both Trudeau and Eby grandstanded in Maple Ridge – promising $285 million combined for Taiwanese-owned E. One Moli Energy for a grandiose expansion plan. Now we find that this is on hold or may never happen. 

We have a real safety, environmental and congestion problem. That problem is the level CPR crossing on Harris Road.

I probably need to be updated or corrected, but my understanding was a shortfall of about $70 million to build the underpass. This is not an idea; it is a necessity. As CPR moves forward with a third track, it will be impossible to traverse Harris Road without an overpass or less popular underpass. 

This is a national issue relating to the movement from the largest port in Canada, grain and fertilizer from the Prairies, forest products, intermodal, etc. but it has become a Pitt Meadows' problem.

Our prime minister and premier can ante up, and will still have $200 million for their green initiatives. Put the money forward. It can and will be built. 

Tired taxpayer,

Dan Kosicki, Pitt Meadows