Dear Editor,
[Re: BRT puts thousands of apartments in limbo, Dec. 27, The News]
I'm not sure if you have tried to access Lougheed Highway from the neighbourhood to the south (down to River Road).
It doesn't matter what time of day it is, there is always a continual stream of fast moving vehicles on Lougheed.
It is a long, slow, patient wait to turn either left or right at Carshill Street onto Lougheed.
It is impossible to even turn right at 221 Street, onto Lougheed, without thinking you are taking your life into your hands. Since the addition of a longer right turn lane, the cars fly down Lougheed to make the right turn onto Haney Bypass.
Although I agree there is great need for housing in our community, there is also a great need for infrastructure.
I live directly south of these proposed developments so can speak directly to the issues of traffic flow, parking, and access to Lougheed Highway.
Currently there are approximately eight houses boarded up as they have been sold to make way for the proposed developments, appropriately 200 units.
IN THE NEWS: Decrepit residences by Sally Ann torn down in Maple Ridge
I attended one neighbourhood meeting where the developer advised he had asked for a variance to reduce the underground parking, so residents would need to park on the street. There is currently limited street parking so it is unimaginable to think where 100 plus vehicles would park.
This letter does not even touch on the additional developments planned for the Lougheed Corridor, i.e. next the Best Western Hotel, and the lots being currently developed to the north of this site.
How is all this traffic supposed to flow?
As Lougheed is an emergency highway, this doesn't make sense without widening the highway.
My next concern: How is all this additional traffic going to access Lougheed Highway or River Road?
Vehicles fly up River Road, coming up the hill from the West Coast Express and, depending on if it's rush hour, both ways are extremely busy with fast-moving traffic heading east to access Haney Bypass.
I believe council needs to continue the moratorium on these developments until transportation infrastructures have been planned and implemented, not just the BRT.
UPDATE: Bus Rapid Transit stations for Maple Ridge to Langley announced
A comprehensive study of the impacts of additional traffic on the Lougheed corridor is necessary to determine the best course of action.
This extremely busy corridor provides access to east Maple Ridge, Mission, and beyond. It is essential to ensure that the community's needs are met, including providing safe and efficient transportation options.
Jacqueline Montgomery, Maple Ridge
READ MORE: Maple Ridge residents see TransLink's plan for Bus Rapid Transit