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Letter: Need more than good, old stories

Tom Fletcher (The News, June 30) implies that since B.C. has always had extremes of weather, climate change does not exist.

Editor, The News:

Tom Fletcher (The News, June 30) implies that since B.C. has always had extremes of weather, climate change does not exist.

Last week, 31 major scientific organizations signed a letter to the U.S. Congress urging them to accept that climate change is real and action needs to be taken.

As entertaining as the stories from his youth are, Fletcher must realize that anecdotal evidence is not a basis for scientific conclusions.

Could he possibly explain to us what his educational and/or professional qualifications are that should persuade us that we should listen to him – rather than to the majority of the world’s scientists?

Or does he believe that climate change is something that only happens outside B.C. and that we therefore, don’t have to worry about?

Stuart de Jong

Maple Ridge