Dear Editor,
There is some very disturbing new recycling pickup rules in Maple Ridge.
All bin assignments have been changed, aside from the grey glass container.
The changes do not make any practical sense.
The largest bin we have is now is dedicated to the smallest item, plastic bags.
It used to be for hard plastic.
Now the hard plastics, metal, and carton bin is used to be for metal and cartons.
The yellow bag is for cardboard. The yellow bag are still the same. Note: if you put things in the wrong bin colour it is left behind.
Haven't had plastic bags or hard plastic picked up in three weeks.
I'll be taking it down myself.
Plastics will not fit in the blue box.
I'm thinking there are a lot of residents who are going to get fed up and throw everything in the garbage.
How much space do they think people can dedicate to recycling.
We had a system that has been working for years and these changes are likely to set us back 20 years.
Way to go Maple Ridge.
Neal Canning, Maple Ridge