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Maybe Fraser Health will address real problem

Dr. Marco Terwiel’s frustration with Fraser Health’s lack of ability to enforce hygiene standards in our local hospital is understandable.

Editor, The News:

Re: Plain, good old hand-washing key (Health Care, March 16).

Dr. Marco Terwiel’s frustration with Fraser Health’s lack of ability to enforce hygiene standards in our local hospital is understandable.

However, a simple look at our health authorities priorities should put the good doctor’s mind to rest.

In the large extended care home in Burnaby, where I am privileged to work, we have a thrift store. Manned by volunteers, this store sells toiletries, snacks and cigarettes.

Recently, notices appeared throughout the building announcing that Fraser Health had decreed that our store, henceforth, from this day on, was only allowed to sell cigarettes for a maximum of one hour a day to residents and staff. This dictate  was given under the name of the smoking control department of the Fraser Health Authority.

So, Dr. Terwiel,  you can rest easy. Whilst our health mandarins may be a little lackadaisical when it comes to germ control in their hospitals, rest assured they are on the ball when it comes to making life difficult for 80-year -old smokers.

I am sure that in 10 years or so, our all-wise leaders will turn their attention to the, by then, rampant infection problem killing hospital patients.

John Cochran

Maple Ridge