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Military duties could end homelessness

Put them in the army, where they can learn skills

Editor, The News:

I realize this will get me in hot water  with many people who read this, but if you take a look at Israel, a nation where it is mandatory for every citizen, male and female, to serve the country in a military fashion, you find there are no homeless people.

Canada has plenty of need for military personnel in Canada itself.

No need to be sending them to war. They only a need to have them learn trades, professions and a choice to make the military their life choice.

Canada needs these people for future disasters that we may encounter right here in Canada.

Seems to be an option we have not entertained, at least not publicly.

As for those who are homeless because of mental illness, I suggest they be identified and taken to facilities where they receive psychiatric help and monitoring.

Mike Boileau

Maple Ridge