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Pick up after your pets, nothing to smear

The person spreading feces around at Allco and Cliff parks is likely trying to prove a point.
Colleen Flanagan/the news Scrappy

Editor, The News:

Re: Off-leash park plagued by glass, possible poisoning (The News, July 5).

The person spreading feces around at Allco and Cliff parks is likely trying to prove a point.

Even though bags are provided at both parks, there are still a large number of dog owners who refuse to pick up their animal’s refuse.

I was at Allco Park with my family on the weekend, and there were numerous piles of unaccounted for feces strewn about park and its pathways.

If every dog owner picked up after their dog, then there would be no feces to smear.

We have dogs, and moved here from New Westminster seven years ago.

One thing I have definitely noticed is that here the old mentality of ‘it’s biodegradable so I can leave it where it lies’ is still strong here.

New Westminster dog owners were a lot more considerate and picked up after their dogs. Parks and school grounds were much cleaner.

In closing, pick up after dog and the smearing will likely end.

As for the glass and poisoning, those people need to be caught.

Mike Merriman

Maple Ridge