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Pitt mayor should stop pointing fingers

Editor, The News:

Re: Thank you  (Letters, June 29).

I think Jo Vella owes Pitt Meadows councillors an apology if she thinks they should take the blame for not knowing the Community Charter.

And the mayor, after 21 years on council, crawls under a rug and claims he didn’t know he should be identified as the municipal insurer, that is just a crock.

The mayor knows what is a conflict of interest and he alone should take responsibility for his action. He knows what goes on in his private business and should stand up, be accountable and stop pointing fingers.

This guy knows what is right and wrong in politics. Don’t think for one minute he didn’t  know the charter our oath he took .  He was hoping he could slide out with no one knowing what goes on behind closed doors.

Do the honourable thing, mayor, and step aside.

Robert Mckee

Pitt meadows