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Time for waiting has passed

Letter on teacher job action

Editor, The News:

Re: Job action could sink school sports’’ (The News, April 13)

Teacher Rich Goulet, I believe, just doesn’t get it when he states to the BCTF: “don’t take it out on the kids.”

Firstly, when teachers are demoralized and not respected by their employers, does he think that this doesn’t affect students as well?

When more students are placed in classrooms, does this not affect all students?

When special needs students do not get the assistance that they need, does this not affect all the students in the same classroom?

Plus, Mr. Goulet makes it sound as though the BCTF is a body that is separate from teachers.

In my view, the BCTF is a truly democratic organization – often overly democratic to a fault.

Mr. Goulet advises teachers to wait. Well, this waiting it seems has gone on and on, through election after election. Who’s to say that the NDP is going to put education as a key priority?

It hasn’t always done so in the past.

Plus, speaking of waiting, the BCTF and its teachers waited 10 years of dealing with the courts to challenge the B.C. Liberals’ class size and composition imposition, done without proper bargaining. Now, it is fighting again to get the government to adhere to the intent of the courts’ decision, that the government did not bargain in good faith.

The time for waiting has long passed. The fact is, students have been the victims for too long by inaction.

The old educational maxim stills applies: No pain, no gain.

Mr. Goulet, being in athletics, should realize this more than most.

Brian Koven

Pitt Meadows