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Acts of Faith: For God so loved the world...

Our country, in the past few weeks, has been traumatized by the deaths of two of our military personnel.

By Albert Foster


Our country, in the past few weeks, has been traumatized by the deaths of two of our military personnel.

The senseless taking of lives in a world that has lost it senses.

Remembrance Day was well attended and during the service two people read the names of those whose sacrifices have given us the freedom we have today.

During the service, my mind went back to the one who sacrificed himself so that we have life more abundantly, and more importantly, eternal life.

Let me recite the first line of a verse that we all know, John 3:16: “For God so loved the world he gave ...”

With a simple act of faith we can accept the remainder of the verse that says:“... His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life”.

We accept the sacrifice of men and women and thank them for our freedom.

We also need to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and thank him for salvation.

The great thing about Jesus’ sacrifice, he goes on to say in Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

Are we weary today and tried about the things going on in society?

I know who can solve those problems. He is the master of the wind and the maker of the rain.

Jesus Christ not only sacrificed his life for our sins, but rose again the third day to walk with us through life.

All it takes is a simple act of faith, by acknowledging our need of Jesus as our Lord and he will acknowledge us and bring us into his family, the family of God.


Albert Foster is pastor at Faith Apostolic United Pentecostal Church in Maple Ridge.