The food bank that services both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows is struggling to keep up with demand this year.
During the past year, explained Evan Seal, manager of the Friends In Need Food Bank, they have seen a 35 per cent increase in client numbers.
“Last year, a busy day would see 65-75 clients line up outside our Maple Ridge depot. Now we are seeing days of 115-120 clients just in Maple Ridge,” noted Seal.
Now, on the lead up to the holiday season, the food bank has been serving almost 2,700 clients each month, and 24 per cent of their clients, said Seal, are seniors and 35 per cent are children.
They are also seeing many two-parent working families who are struggling to make ends meet.
“The need is not slowing down,” said Seal.
The food bank has a most wanted list of items they are always in need of including: children’s snacks and fruit cups, granola bars, dried dates and fruit, pure sesame seed paste, cereal, rice, pasta, yellow lentils, sugar, flour, and cake mix. Canned foods including: tomatoes, fruit, vegetables, meat, tuna, salmon, chili, ravioli, stew, chickpeas, and beans. They also always need juice boxes, coffee and tea, and Boost and Ensure. Or household items like: diapers, baby wipes, shampoo, laundry detergent, dish soap, dishwasher tablets, and feminine hygiene products.
READ MORE: Maple Ridge grocery store kicks off food drive for families in need
Seal is reminding people to check the best before date before a donation is made.
Donations can be made between 9 a.m. and noon, Mondays through Fridays at the Maple Ridge depot, #8-22726 Dewdney Trunk Rd., or between 9 a.m. and noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays only at the Pitt Meadows depot, 12240 Harris Rd. (at the Grace Community Church).
In August, the Friends In Need Food Bank received $34,129 in funding from the province, part of a $15-million funding announcement for Food Banks B.C.
For more information about the Friends In Need Food Bank go to, or call 604-466-3663 in Maple Ridge or 604-460-4619 in Pitt Meadows.