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Show & Shine for Maple Ridge secondary dry grad

Shiny cars from several car clubs in school parking lot Sunday
See some shiny wheels Sunday at Maple Ridge secondary.

Maple Ridge secondary is holding its second annual Show and Shine Classic Car Show on Sunday to raise money for a dry grad.

At least half a dozen car clubs from around the Lower Mainland will be represented at the show.

It will take place in the west parking lot of Maple Ridge secondary, beside Mount Crescent elementary, and will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m..

“We had a great turn out last year even though it rained,” said Dylan Watt, acting vice-principal at Maple Ridge secondary.

“We had about 40 cars and a couple hundred people came out last year.”

This year he is anticipating sunshine.

In addition to a showcase of classic cars there will be live entertainment, 50/50 raffles, door prizes and a barbeque.

Entertainment will begin at 1 p.m. and will include the senior jazz band, a current rock student band and some solo artists.

Registration begins at 10 a.m. with an entry fee of $10 per car.

Trophies will be handed out for administration choice, students choice, Mayor’s choice and people’s choice.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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