staff reporter
How many steps will you take for a cure?
On Sunday, May 27, join Cystic Fibrosis Canada Vancouver Chapter at the eight annual Great Strides walk in Pitt Meadows.
“Our sights are squarely set on a cure,” said Maureen Adamson with Cystic Fibrosis Canada. “Funds raised will support vital cystic fibrosis research and care. The campaign has raised nearly $13 million since it began. This year, our organization hopes to exceed its goal of $3.2 million, so we can turn the corner on this life-altering disease.”
Emily Bateson and her cousin Melissa Powell, who both suffer from cystic fibrosis, will lead the walk in Pitt Meadows.
“As you know, we both have CF, and it sucks. It interferes with our playtime, is hard work and it can be painful,” says Bateson, 10.
Cystic fibrosis is the most common, fatal genetic disease that affects Canadian children and young adults.
The cousins take over 60 pills a day and do 30 minutes of physiotherapy at least twice a day to keep their symptoms at bay.
The Great Strides walk begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday at Harris Road and Fraser Way in Pitt Meadows. All funds raised, through pledges and donations, will support vital cystic fibrosis research and care programs funded by Cystic Fibrosis Canada.