Rob Mangelsdorf and Colleen Flanagan of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News have earned provincial and national awards for their work.
Mangelsdorf earned two awards, one for first place from the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and one for second place from the B.C. and Yukon Community Newspaper Association, both for best historical writing for his feature article on the 125th anniversary of the Whonnock Post Office, titled "At the heart of Whonnock."
The CCNA judge said: "The story written by Robert Mangelsdorf about the Whonnock Post Office was told in a calm, quiet manner allowing the reader to enjoy not only the history of the actual building but easily imagine the service rendered over the years. The story contains all the qualities needed to entice the reader to read every word. The writing is as unhurried as the atmosphere being described, making for a most enjoyable read. The writer didn’t over think this piece or in any way attempt to make the story anything it wasn’t. The accompanying pictures served to complete this excellently written, well told story. Very well done. "
Flanagan, meanwhile, was honoured twice at the BCYCNA Ma Murray Community Newspaper Awards Gala last weekend. She earned first place for best spot news in the over-25,000 circulation class and third place for best black and white feature photo, over-25,000.
James McLennan, a freelance photographer who works for The News, also earned a BCYCNA award, placing second in the best portrait category.
The BCYCNA is a non-profit membership organization representing 122 community newspapers throughout British Comlumbia and the Yukon, with a combined readership of more than two 2 million.
The Canadian Community Newspapers Association encourages excellence by sponsoring an annual national competition to celebrate the achievements of its member newspapers.