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Find the upside to the downturn

Lorne Elliot finds humour in the current economic crisis
Lorne Elliot plays the ACT on Saturday

Lorne Elliott’s one-man comedic-music show is a unique and wacky performance with off-the-wall humour.  It is the timelessness of his material, joined with keen observations and humourous storytelling that make his performances totally entertaining.

Up-lifting and foolish enough, Elliot makes everybody laugh out loud.

He is currently performing a show called “The Upside of The Downturn.”

The “Downturn” is that there has been this glitch in all our lives, Elliot explains.

“Partly because of the economic crisis, of course, and a sense that it’s maybe not finished, or might happen any time again. So we’re all a little bit more cautious. Also there’s been this strange shift in the media, where we get our information from, and we don’t know whether that’s necessarily for the better or for the worse yet. On top of all that there is a general feeling that our politicians are increasingly more useless. So what to do?”

Well, there is hope.

Elliot says we’re back down to our own resources and the people around us.

“At the grassroots - where all real growth occurs - things are starting to move. Cells are dividing, seeds sprouting, gardens blooming. And this is the upside.”

The way the one-man show works is by not staying in one place too long.

“It’s harder to hit a moving target. I’m always writing new material, and right now it’s in an interesting state. Hopefully, that should always be the case. New stuff emerges, pushes old stuff out, old stuff resurfaces and gets put back in with new twists added to it, themes and threads and monologues interweave in new ways, which in turn engender other ideas.”

He hopes the audience leaves saying “Well, that was worth it.”

• Lorne Elliot plays the ACT in Maple Ridge1 on Saturday, March 31 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $27 for adults and $15 for students.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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