Many of us want to look and feel our best, ever searching for the fountain of youth in cosmetic products and procedures.
However, we must realize that the degree of internal and external health of an individual will greatly influence the overall health of the person’s skin and degree of visible age.
The naturopathic approach to healthy skin revolves around identifying and treating the root cause of poor skin health, while respecting the inherent nature of skin metabolism, waste removal, and regeneration capability in the individual.
Some health and skin care tips you can start today:
• Drink about two litres of pure water a day. Not enough can be said about dehydration and how it dries the skin, slows down circulation and waste removal.
Juices, coffee, pop and alcoholic beverages do not count.
• Eat a healthy diet plenty of green and colorful fruits and vegetables.
The most powerful are the orange, red and purple fruits (pomegranate, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry) for their high fiber, super antioxidants and nutrient contents. Don’t forget to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
• Make sure you have regular bowel movements. Aim for at least one to two movements a day without help from any laxatives.
A high fiber diet with an intake of two litres water a day will greatly help eliminate colonic build-up of waste materials.
• Wear a skin cream daily with at least an SPF of 15. Not enough can be said about the harmful UV rays and the negative effects they can cause on premature skin aging and skin cancer. This applies to men as well.
• Consume two servings a week of wild salmon. The Omega 3 fatty acids and the protein content are great for overall skin health.
• Breathe. Take the time to check in on your breathing as oxygen gives life to your cells and tissues, making sure that they are deep, slow, and relaxing breathes throughout the day. When people are stressed, breathing becomes more shallow and irregular.
• Regular exercise. Regular cardiovascular and weight training will ensure you remain healthy and it’s a great way to manage stress.
.In the everlasting search for the beautiful skin, consider taking care of your health from within with focused antioxidants and nutrients to support overall health.
Dr. Allan Strauss is owner of Living Well Laser and Skin Care in Maple Ridge.