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Morden launches campaign for Maple Ridge mayor’s chair

His campaign theme centres on respect.
Mike Morden.

Mike Morden has officially launched his mayoral campaign in Maple Ridge.

He made the announcement last weekend, that he is seeking the office of mayor of Maple Ridge in the Oct. 20 municipal.

His campaign theme centres on respect – between council members and for the city staff they work with, and the public they serve.

“It is time to return council to the voters,” he said.

The six key areas he would focus on as mayor:

• ensure laws are enforced to protect residents and businesses from crime;

• work with senior government to close tent city and get in need the help they need;

• bring back open and honest engagement at city hall;

• spend public money wisely;

• build the best recreation we can afford;

• create more shopping, commerce, and jobs.

“In 2014, Maple Ridge residents voted for change, but did not get what they were promised. We got exactly the opposite. Our neighbourhoods and businesses are under continued siege from criminal activity. We’ve had housing initiatives imposed against the will of the majority with no public consultation. Our community has become largely divided by failed policy, commitments and promises. It is time for council to make a 180-degree turn, restore democracy and put people first.”

Morden brought special notice to the seniors in attendance at his annoucement who had been arrested while attempting to protect their neighbourhood from the forced housing imposed by the province.