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Ahead of Oct. 15, The News offers a profile and Q&A opportunity to each candidate
Kim Dumore is seeking re-election as a school trustee in Maple Ridge. (Special to The News)

Kim Dumore


Foundry Works & Education project coordinator, age 50

Resident of Maple Ridge for 20 years

Kim Dumore is proud to be a resident of Maple Ridge, having spent two decades raising her family and making opportunities to work, volunteer, and enjoy leisure here.

Kim has an extensive background in running her family business, before she turned her attention to working in non-profit agencies locally, as well as serving her current term as an SD42 trustee.

Kim leads her life with children and youth as her focus.

Both her career and volunteer roles prioritize youth wellness, education, and engagement.

Kim feels strongly that youth need to be present at the table, so their voices may be heard directly.

Kim works hard to connect with youth, while also working collaboratively with the other adults at the table.


Instagram: @kim.dumore


Phone: 604-812-1335


Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: Yes, School Board Trustee 2018-2022; this would be my second term.




(These answers are presented as the candidates submitted them)


1. Do you agree with how SOGI material and other sex education is currently taught in the classroom, including LGBTQ2S content and sexual consent?

Yes. Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity. I believe that everyone is welcome and that we should all feel welcome. Schools should be safe, caring environments for all students regardless of their race, culture, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. The BC K-12 curriculum includes a focus on valuing diversity, as well as human rights and response to discrimination. SD42 has a robust Safe and Caring Schools Policy that was created with consultation from all partner groups that work alongside us. This policy is sent to be reviewed next year. I look forward to this process, and the enhancements the review may bring.

2. Are class sizes too big?

No. Most classrooms come with challenges, and we have created supports in the district for times the correct composition cannot be reached. A few years back, collective agreements with Teachers were finalized, resulting in appropriate class size formulas.

3. Should students with diverse abilities or special needs be taught in regular classrooms?

Yes. Inclusion provides equal access to opportunities for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

I do feel our district has work to do supporting all learners.

We do not get it right all the time. We need to look hard at our practice and see what is working and what is not.

As a person with dyslexia, it has been a challenge to be heard at the board table regarding my disability. My ability to read a board package is not done without a struggle.

We need to shift the way we teach our students to allow them the ability to learn. I hear the struggles some of our students and their families face, and I know we can do better.

4. Is the provincial government providing enough funding for public schools?

No. I don’t need to explain… it’s a fact.

5. Should students be taught how to administer Naloxone in school?

Yes. People are dying: brothers, sisters, mothers & friends. If students would like to learn to administer naloxone for whatever the reason, they should have access to this training. It is education just as First Aid and Food Safe are.

6. Should there be more emphasis on STEM courses in schools?

Yes. STEM encourages students to think outside the box, be problem solvers, possess critical thinking skills and have a passion for innovation. STEM education encourages students to build core skills essential for future success in school and beyond. Our future will require many STEM-related jobs to keep up with technology and innovation. We must teach students skills for the future.

7. Do we need a post-secondary institution/campus in Pitt Meadows or Maple Ridge?

Yes. Studies show that more and more young people are not continuing to post-secondary after graduating from SD42. We have the barrier of an inconsistent transit system and no post-secondary opportunity here in their hometown. Over the last four years, Trustees have advocated for a post-secondary offering for students, and in this next year, Kwantlen Polytechnical will be conducting a feasibility study for our community to assess the need and the possibilities for students in Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows. Stay Tuned.

8. Is bullying a problem in local schools?

Yes. I believe bullying is a problem everywhere. We are supposed to lead by example but in this age of social media it does not take long to see someone not being kind to another person. The problem is bigger than just our schools. We can do our very best to set good policy and support staff and students with the implementation of policy. We have work to do, that is for sure. In my role at Foundry we hear about bullying in schools often, but not just in school, at work, on the bus, at home, on social media and in the community.

9. Should there be more emphasis on Indigenous-based history and culture courses?

Yes. It is extremely important for all students to learn Indigenous history. Is it exciting to see that this is now a graduation requirement starting in 2023/24 and that all learners will have access to this education in a variety of course offerings.

10. Should the district have a strategy to reduce the use of portables?

Yes. We do have the Strategic Facilities Document that guides the need for additional schools and spaces. This is tied to our Capital Plan that is funded by the Ministry of Education and Childcare.





How the questions were presented to each candidate

Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows news readers have told us how much they value this important, straight-forward reference guide that helps orient them with the range of choices on the ballots – both at the council and school board levels.

Towards that end, we have attempted to make this package available (along with the following instructions) to each of the candidates in a timely fashion ahead of the Oct. 15 election.

Please read carefully before you start to fill this out.

To help voters in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows make their choices on election day, The News is asking local candidates 10 issue-based questions.

You must provide a ‘yes,’ a ‘no,’ or a ‘don’t know’ (Y, N, D) response to EACH of these questions.

Each question MUST be answered with yes (Y), no (N), or Don’t Know (D). This will be published in a grid in the Oct. 6 edition. Any questions not answered will be LEFT BLANK.

Candidates may also expand on ANY OR ALL of these questions (to a maximum of 200 words each). Please note any responses longer than that will be cut off at the 201-word mark.

Due to space limitations, we can only guarantee to run one of these answers in The News print edition ahead of the election. You must CLEARLY indicate which expanded answer you want to see published in print. If you do not specify, we will choose. Any and all expanded answers provided will be published online at


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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