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Maple Ridge woman raises over $27,000 for dairy farms destroyed in flooding

Funds to go directly to the B.C. Dairy Association
Phil and Trina Graham’s dairy farm flooded in Abbotsford. (GoFundMe/Special to The News)

A Maple Ridge woman, part of the Davison Farms operation, has launched a GoFund Me in solidarity with, and to help the dairy farm devastated by the flooding in B.C.

Kayleen Knittel, whose parents operate the Davison Farms, has launched a GoFund Me to help the dairy farms and has already ended up raising over $27,000.

“The farmers are working tirelessly on get their animals out of the deep water and to higher elevation. There is a lot of hard work ahead and funds are desperately needed to support the farmers and their families as they continue to care for their beloved animals,” said Knittel.

All contributions raised through the GoFund Me, will go to BC Dairy Association for distribution to farms in need. Knittel saw first-hand the devastation caused by the flooding, when she saw what it had done to her cousins’ farm in Abbotsford. Her cousins, Phil and Trina Graham, whose farm in Abbotsford was destroyed by the flooding, have also started a Go Fund Me.

ALSO READ: Maple Ridge woman coordinates efforts to bring essentials to flood-ravaged Abbotsford and Hope

“Thank you for all who have donated, please continue to share this GFM and pray for everyone affected. I will keep you updated as much as possible,” said Knittel.

So far, Knittel has raised $28,380 and counting. To make a donation to Knittel’s fundraiser, people can go to:

ALSO READ: Maple Ridge pilot swoops in to rescue the stranded from Hope

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Priyanka Ketkar

About the Author: Priyanka Ketkar

Priyanka Ketkar has been a journalist since 2011 with extensive experience in community-driven news writing, feature writing, and editing.
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