A motorcyclist was killed in a head-on collision on Lougheed Highway at 287th Street in east Maple Ridge late Thursday.
The motorcycle rider has been identified as a 48-year-old mom, according to her son Rob Jeglum.
She was on her way home, riding her Harley-Davidson after having dinner with friends, Jeglum said.
His mom was travelling westbound on the road at the time of the collision, about 9:45 p.m.
Several motorists stopped to help at the scene.
“She’s a mother of three and she has a grandchild. It’s hard to see her go, she’s so young,” he said.
Ridge Meadows RCMP Staff Sgt. Tony Farahbakhchian said there was a group of motorcyclists riding. After the initial collision, a second motorcycle hit the first one.
Riders of the second motorcycle were also taken to Ridge Meadows Hospital.
Farahbakhchian added that the vehicle involved left the scene and was later located but the driver has not been found.
Farahbakhchian said it’s a dangerous road with poor lighting where many fatal accidents have occurred.
“This is a bad stretch of highway from Silverdale to 240th Street. People tend to speed.”