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TransLink prepping for snow Friday

Steps operations take to keep customers safe and keep public transit moving in snowy and slushy conditions.
Snow is expected on Friday.

TransLink’s operations are monitoring the weather and are prepared, under snow or adverse weather plans, for near-freezing temperatures and snow forecasted to start falling overnight and into the morning.

Here are some of the steps operations take to keep our customers safe and keep public transit moving in snowy and slushy conditions:

We work closely with our municipal partners to have bus routes ploughed first.

If a street is not plowed, operators may refrain from pulling into bus stops to avoid getting stuck. In these cases, operators will stop in an area that is safe and accessible for riders.

Trolley de-icer trucks will spray the entire trolley overhead system if there is a forecast risk of frost or ice.

SkyTrain power rail and collector shoes on the trains will be de-iced, and de-icing stations set up in covered areas and tunnels.

Measures are also taken to ensure rail switches are protected from freezing.

During times of heavy overnight snow, SkyTrain will run throughout the night to keep tracks clear.

Where possible, articulated buses are replaced by traditional ones. They're more agile and better equipped to handle hills or streets that have poor conditions.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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