It’s a video that is sure to send chills down your spine, and it’s turning heads online.
But what it shows is incredibly dangerous.
An Instagram video showing a man sliding down the rooftop of a Vancouver skyscraper was posted to Reddit Thursday.
Black Press Media was unable to confirm when the video, titled “Moron Slides Down the Top of a Skyscraper in Downtown Vancouver,” was posted on Instagram, as the account was set to private as of 4 p.m. A Spotify profile linked to the account is that of a rapper who goes by Ondre Cares.
This kind of stunt, known as “rooftopping,” has become more popular in recent years on social media. This isn’t the first time videos and photos of people climbing or sitting atop high buildings in Vancouver have drawn attention online.
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In an emailed statement, a spokesperson with Vancouver police said they are aware of the video.
Const. Jason Doucette said these kinds of stunts are often criminal in nature, and can lead to charges, such as break-and-enter and mischief.
“Not only are the offenders putting themselves at risk, they are also potentially putting the public and first responders in danger,” he said.
“If one of these people slips and falls, a first responder has to put their safety at risk to rescue the rooftopper.”
Doucette urged anyone who is witnessing a criminal offence to contact their local police.
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