This Notice is issued in accordance with Sections 26 and 94 of the Community Charter.
The City of Maple Ridge is selling the property identified as:

13084 – 236 Street
Parcel Identifier: 010-218-611, Lot 6 Section 28
Township 12
New Westminster
District Plan 16555
(as outlined in black on plan shown on right)
The property will be sold to Oak Lake Developments (236 St.) Corp. for an amount of $2,568,000.00 for residential development and dedication of conservation lands to the City of Maple Ridge.
Any enquiries may be directed to:
Dana Schmidt, Interim Corporate Officer
Phone: 604-467-7301 Email:
Dated this 25 day of July, 2023.
11995 Haney Place,
Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9