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Golden Ears Bridge tolls forced upon us

Letter writer feels tolls "being stuffed down our throats".

Editor, The News:

In regards to the article, “Bridge tolls climb a nickel,” (The News, July 4) I am a little offended with a line in this article stating that bridge tolls with a user-pay model has been accepted by communities on both sides of the river.

I think it is more accurate to state we were not given a choice, and feel like it’s being stuffed down our throats.

I have a 23-year-old son who pays $122 per month on tolls, plus $200 for insurance, plus gas.

My husband also commutes over this bridge, so in our home alone we see $244 a month out of our household expenses. God forbid we have to cross the Port Mann Bridge.

To get to Langley without a toll, means we have to drive to Mission and Abbotsford, then around and now we stop for more fuel.

Maple Ridge Mayor Ernie Daykin has the fortune of being able to work in the community which he lives. As for the three men in my home, they are forced to have to find work elsewhere.

You can’t squeeze blood from a stone, there are cracks in the lunacy of where government, at all levels, keeps asking for more, when there is none.

Peggy Post