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Let’s put it to a vote

Re: We care, but where’s the accountability of Caring Place (Letters, Oct. 26).

I am so sick of reading articles defending the Caring Place by using tactics against people who are opposed to it.  Tactics such as that we are whiners, not morally up to religious standards, heartless, ignorant.

I say there should be a vote by all the residents of Maple Ridge.

The point I was making is being entirely missed, so if you want to talk ignorance, well that is being ignorant.

I care about the residents of Maple Ridge and the state of the downtown core.  I care about the people that need help.  I am opposed to helping people and hurting others in the process – simple.

I can see that this argument will be lost by the wayside in no time at all. Nothing will be done and everything will stay the same.

How long has it been since downtown was a vibrant community filled with successful businesses and little crime?

How long have the futile attempts at cleaning up the downtown core been happening?

Mark my words, the crime and disgusting behaviors will still exist and be even worse in five or 10 years. Too bad everyone can’t see the big picture. Keep blaming all us morally wrong people for wanting a vibrant city to live in.

Diana Nelson,

Maple Ridge