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Letter: Conspiracies abound on the internet

Jeremy Dagg (The News, Jan. 13) writes that immunization should not be compulsory and should be left for parents to make ...

Editor, The News:

Jeremy Dagg (The News, Jan. 13)  writes that immunization should not be compulsory and should be left for parents to make an informed decision.  His argument only gives a lot of support for compulsory immunization.

Unfortunately, he and many parents do not have the ability to make informed decisions.  He is against immunization because he gets his information from reading distorted reports of dangers of immunization and ignores the accurate information.

Compulsory immunization is needed because so many parents lack the ability to understand the accurate information that is available. Unfortunately, the Internet is filled with so much distorted information and conspiracy theories that it is necessary to depend on informed professionals.

Dan Banov

Maple Ridge