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Letter: Like washing socks in 100-year-old scotch

Removing 200 acres of Pelton land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, if successful, will set a dangerous precedent.

Editor, The News:

The application to remove 200 acres of Pelton land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (The News, June 3), if successful, will set a dangerous precedent.  It’s not worth the risk when there are alternative commercial/industrial lands already zoned.  Food security is of paramount importance – it affects all aspects of our lives and well-being.

We certainly have industrial, commercial and residential needs; this is not the proper place to meet them.  This property should remain in the ALR for growing food.  It will be such a shame give up this land for other purposes then growing food. It’s like washing your socks with 100-year-old Scotch.

Peter Tam

Maple Ridge