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LETTER: Maple Ridge resident says dairy price hike will hurt many

Local letter writer said federal government forgets it works for Canadians
A local resident is concerned about an expected increase in dairy prices and critical of the federal government. (Black Press Media file)

Dear Editor,

Re: [Canadian Dairy Commission recommends large increase in milk prices,, Nov. 1]

So, now the feds want to increase the price of milk.

First they get thousands of people fired because they refuse to be controlled by them, so they have no money for food or necessities, then, some pea-brained bureaucrat decides it would be a good idea to increase the price of a staple in many homes.

Boy, we need to take a good hard look at our federal government, and maybe a firm reminder to them that they work for us, not the other way around.

How about giving us some breaks on pricing like maybe removing the tax on food, instead of raising the price of milk.

John Turner, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: Maple Ridge food bank expects growing demand as holiday season approaches


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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