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Still good ‘ol boys club

Affirmative action is an attempt to rectify a wrong or intrenched imbalance.

Editor, The News:

What kind of thought processes could possibly compare affirmative action with a dictatorship.

Affirmative action is an attempt to rectify a wrong or intrenched imbalance. Dictatorship is an evil injustice to all people.

I suppose Ms. Katnich would be one of the few individuals to argue that affirmative action was racist and discriminatory as well as undemocratic for the African Americans, and American people as a whole.

Canada ranks 50th in the world as far as female political representation goes, a pathetic 22 percent of MPs and MLAs.

Politics in Canada remains to this day a good old boys club with female participation well behind many so-called third world countries.

Cecile Marchant

Maple Ridge