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Thank you also to the residents

Re: ‘A wonderful day in the neighbourhood (The News, Oct. 21).
Mayor Ernie Daykin helped knock down one of the Northumberland buildings.

Editor, The News:

Re: ‘A wonderful day in the neighbourhood (The News, Oct. 21).

I am certainly happy that the ongoing drama and tragedy that was Northumberland Court has come to an end.

Watching the video on The News website (, I found one thing to be the most telling.  As Mayor Ernie Daykin speaks and talks about how the demolition came to be, he mentions “the current property owner, the real estate agent, our bylaws folks, our buildings folks, our fire department, senior staff, our lawyers.”

How can one not notice that there is not a single mention of citizen or community participation in cleaning up, and I would argue leading the charge to get this ridiculous situation dealt with?

So, as the mayor has clearly forgotten about the many Maple Ridge residents who called, emailed, went to council meetings and worked just as hard as municipal hall staff to resolve this situation, I would like to say thank you.

Tyler Ducharme

Maple Ridge