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#UNTRENDING: Decluttering mind and space

Maple Ridge News columnist Vicki McLeod explains how to sign up for a challenge
#Untrending: Vicki McLeod

By Vicki McLeod/Special to The News

My work as an author, coach, and consultant puts me squarely at the intersection of the digital and analog worlds.

My blog posts, articles, and books focus on how we can mindfully navigate the challenges of being human in a technical world.

Whether I am working with corporate leaders, or solopreneurs, everybody is trying to cope with the demands of an ever-changing world.

It is easy to be fascinated by the online world and the promise of digital deliverance from everyday problems.

But I’m rigorous about reminding my clients to focus on the tangible.

Are you getting enough food, rest, exercise, sleep? What about your physical environment? Does it work for you?

This month I’m co-hosting an online decluttering challenge with Maple Ridge decluttering specialist, Conny Graf Lewis.

While the action is taking place in Lewis’s Facebook community, it is based on our e-book, From Chaos to Peace (Kindle Direct Publishing 2019), and our efforts are mainly focused in the physical.

One of the questions we ask participants to think about is: How can your physical space support your overall priorities?

Almost universally, the clients I work with are interested in setting and achieving concrete goals.

They are solution-focused people, committed to positive action. It is easy to make setting priorities an intellectual exercise, but it’s important that we make the link between our priorities and having a space that can actually support them.

Our homes are our primary sanctuary. Making sure cupboards are organized, countertops are clear, and items can easily be found in drawers and closets, gives ease and flow to your daily life activities.

Clearing your space shifts energy, brings peace, and contributes to clarity.

This leaves you free to focus on what really matters in your life or work. Organizing and maintaining clutter-free space will support your goals.

Don’t forget the home office. A great resource is Maple Ridge’s Kim Louise Easterbrook. Easterbrook is a sought-after interior home and office consultant whose work combines the tools of feng shui, numerology, and interior wellness practices.

She is the author of Is Your Home Office Positioned For Stress or Success, A 10 Step Blueprint to Keep You Happy, Healthy, and Productive in Your Work Space (Easterbrook Publications 2017).

I hired Easterbook several years ago, when I found myself mysteriously avoiding spending time in my home office, despite loving my work and being strongly committed to my business.

Using her method, we transformed my home office into a space that delighted me and my clients. Says Easterbrook, “In our modern-day busy and hectic lifestyle, every human on earth requires a tranquil place to live and work, where you can connect with your own meaning and purpose, surrounded by things that bring you peace and joy, for the serenity and calm of one’s soul.”

Both Lewis and Easterbrook are skilled practitioners who take a holistic approach to designing spaces that work. Both are available for private consultations and can be found online. And, if you’re are interested, it’s not too late to join the 2020 decluttering challenge. Sign up here for the challenge.

– Vicki McLeod is an author, TEDx speaker, and award-winning entrepreneur. She is a business and personal coach and consultant. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or find her at
