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Why hitch our wagons to the Americans?

Who can forget Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s brave stand against doing anything about climate change?

Editor, The News:

Canadians are so lucky that we have such a democratic, caring government that is so closely tuned to the wishes and needs of the Canadian people and its economy, with its popular stand on things close to the hearts of the majority of Canadians, such as spending billions on much-needed new prisons to put all those new criminals.

And who can forget Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s brave stand against doing anything about climate change and making sure nobody else does either?

Let’s not forget his insightful fight to turn a blind eye to the endangered blue fin tuna or polar or grizzly bears, or Canada’s caribou or his ever popular quest to continue the highly subsidized seal slaughter that makes us so popular in the world.

How can we forget his ultimate gift to the Americanization of Canada, which will undermine every civil liberty and right that Canada has taken for granted for most of its history. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is about to be superseded by the draconian American Patriot Act.

It seems Mr. Harper’s government, which is supported by 16 per cent of Canadians, thinks it is a another great idea to hand over Canada’s laws and very sovereignty to America, a country on the brink of financial and social collapse.

Why Canadians would willingly hitch our wagon to a country that is in free-fall on every front is totally incomprehensible.

It is time to tell the Governor General to immediately dissolve Parliament and every Canadian voter to vote for anything other than the Neoconservatives while we can still call Canada our own.

Wayne Clark

Maple Ridge