Hammond Elementary School is being transformed into an adult-only studio on Dec. 2 as dozens of local adults flock to the Maple Ridge school for an adult paint night event.
Darcey Kelner, a member of Hammond Elementary parent advisory council (PAC), said that this event is something the school has done in the past, but not since the start of the pandemic.
“We are raising money for Hammond Elementary School to put on school events or field trips for the students, and to pay for items that our teachers would like for the school,” said Kelner.
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One item in particular that Kelner and the school are trying to raise money for is a sensory walk for one of their hallways, which is designed to help students with special needs.
To help host the event, the school is bringing in Paint Star Party, a Lower Mainland-based company that regularly puts on artistic events in nearby communities.
For $40 per person, participants will be able to paint a picture of a colourful Christmas gnome, with tea, coffee, treats, and all the artistic supplies included.
The adult-only paint night is set to take place on Friday, Dec. 2 at Hammond Elementary School at 6 p.m. However, the last day to get tickets is today, which can be purchased by emailing hammondelempac@gmail.com.
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