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LETTER: Leashing in Maple Ridge parks prevents unexpected confrontations

Amid COVID, dog owners shouldn’t be forced together to separate their pets

Dear Editor,

Dogs jumping up on strangers happens occasionally, followed by the owner yelling at the dog, and grabbing it to put it back on a leash.

Most if the time, this is an annoyance and not much more.

This is a situation that I think has probably occurred to many people.

I was walking on a path, and a dog came running around the corner barking, and jumping up on me.

The owner ran up, while yelling at the dog, from very close range to my face, until he was able to grab the dog’s collar and attach a leash.

RELATED: Maple Ridge dog walker pissed with discarded poop bags

My understanding is that even conversation can spread droplets and aerosols containing COVID-19 virus, which is why social distancing of six feet is recommended.

In this case, the yelling was likely spreading many more droplets and aerosols, and it was done from very close range.

With more people out walking, and likely more people relatively inexperienced in handling their dog running into people, I believe it’s important to educate the public to keep dogs on a leash in order to avoid distancing violations.

Steve Ranta, Maple Ridge


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