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LETTER: Maple Ridge resident offers cheeky suggestion to businesses

Vaccination discounts could create some interesting conversations, letter writer suggests
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Dear Editor,

Re: [This is a war, The News, Nov. 12]

Back in the day when World War 2 was raging, folks in the United States rationed their food supply and sent the best food to the men and women fighting on the front lines in Europe.

I think your previous writer is correct in calling this pandemic ‘a war’, and that we are being invaded by an invisible army.

I submit that it would be a very good gesture if merchants were to offer 10 per cent Vaccine Discount, (or VD) by showing your QR code proof of vaccination, as a way of saying thanks for fighting this invisible army with the tools our scientists and government have made available to fight with.

You simply say “can I get the VD from you?” and the merchant answers “sure, I’ll give you a V.D!”

Richard Brophy, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: Joe King was in the Battle of Britain during the Second World War


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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