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WOLF: Would you ever eat a cold hot dog right out of the pack?

WOLF: Would you ever eat a cold hot dog right out of the pack?

COLUMN: Hot dogs seem to be everywhere in the month of July
PAINFUL TRUTH: Housing idiocy in Ottawa

PAINFUL TRUTH: Housing idiocy in Ottawa

When it comes to housing policy, our federal leaders have been slow to wake up to the reality of how broken things are in this country.
IN OUR VIEW: Drive safe this summer

IN OUR VIEW: Drive safe this summer

Driving is the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis
WOLF: Vandalism in all forms is just exceptionally stupid

WOLF: Vandalism in all forms is just exceptionally stupid

COLUMN: Strong emotions expressed in unhealthy ways
Political Spin: Emissions and climate change know no borders

Political Spin: Emissions and climate change know no borders

A column by Bruce Uzelman
COLUMN: Dragonflies, jellybeans and the footprints of grief

COLUMN: Dragonflies, jellybeans and the footprints of grief

Two years after the loss of a parent, life has been forever changed
PAINFUL TRUTH: In praise of low-key vacations

PAINFUL TRUTH: In praise of low-key vacations

Intensively doing nothing is very relaxing
LETTER: Opinion column on 'stolen land' unwelcome by Maple Ridge reader

LETTER: Opinion column on 'stolen land' unwelcome by Maple Ridge reader

All lands have been stolen by an outside group at some point in human history, argues a local letter writer
The Old West: The GF&KR Railway – The making of an icon, Part 2

The Old West: The GF&KR Railway – The making of an icon, Part 2

A column by Bruce Uzelman
LETTER: Maple Ridge resident defends Canadian cultural identity

LETTER: Maple Ridge resident defends Canadian cultural identity

Resident feels this country is broken